When you attach flyter to an element, you can either attach it to a single element or a collection of elements.
const instance = flyter.attach('#myDiv', { /* ... */}); // or document.querySelector('#myDiv');
You'll find the instance here as well as in almost all callbacks from the config.
* returns the HTML element this instance is attached to.
* returns the element automatically built by Flyter when the instance was created.
* Updates the config of this instance
instance.updateConfig(config: Partial<Config>);
* Returns the config value which can be found at the given key. for example server.url.
* The second parameter must be set to true if you expect a callback.
* This allows flyter to resolve the option if it's a value that can either be a primitive or a function returning it
instance.getConfig(key: string, isCallback: boolean);
* Returns the raw config object of this instance
* Opens an edition session
async instance.open();
* Closes an eventually open session
async instance.close();
* Returns the current value of the instance
* Sets the current value
async instance.setValue(val);
* Refresh the instance, refreshing its displayed value
async instance.refresh();
* Destroys the instance, removing it from the DOM
async instance.destroy();
* Disables the instance.
* This sets the attribute `disabled` on the element
* and prevents the session creation trigger from happening
* If an edition session was open, it is closed.
async instance.disable();
* Enables the instance if it was disabled
async instance.enable();
* Returns the current edition session if any. See below for further information
Edition Session
When you trigger a flyter instance (by click or hover, or calling instance.open()
), it will launch a new Edition Session which is responsible to handle the edition flow. It can be accessed from the instance by calling instance.getCurrentSession()
and from within renderers and types by doing this.getSession()
* Returns the type object used in this session
* Returns the renderer object used in this session
* Returns the instance this session is attached to
* Returns this session's markup
* Initialize the session by initializing its type
async session.initialize();
* Opens the session, initializing the renderer and markup and showing it
async session.openEdition();
* Cancels this session and closes it
async session.cancel();
* Close this session and notify the instance to delete it
async session.closeSession();
* Submits the current type's value
async session.submit();
* Tells the underlying renderer to enter in loading mode and disables
* the types and action buttons
session.setLoading(status: boolean);
Initializing multiple elements at once
You might attach flyter to multiple elements in a single pass:
const manyInstance = flyter.attach('.divs', { /* config */}); // or document.querySelectorAll('.divs');
In this case you won't receive a single instance object (as there's multiple DOM nodes concerned), but rather a ManyInstance
which has the following API:
* Returns an array of all instances concerned
* Updates the config for all underlying instances
* Filters all instances that have edition sessions currently live attached and returns them
* Opens all instances
async manyInstance.openAll();
* Close all instances
async manyInstance.closeAll();
* Refresh all instances
async manyInstance.refreshAll();
* Destroy all instances
async manyInstance.destroyAll();
* Enable all instances
async manyInstance.enableAll();
* disable all instances
async manyInstance.disableAll();