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Flyter supports many configuration options explained in this section.


Configuration can also be set through data-fcnf- attributes for all non-callback values, for example data-fcnf-type-name="text" to set the type's name to text.

When you deal with values that should be of a specific format, such as json, you can append modifiers to your config attribute with a :. The following modifiers are available:

  • json to parse value to json
  • bool or boolean to parse to a boolean value
  • int to parse to an integer
  • float to parse to a float number

For example data-fcnf-renderer-config-popper_config:json='{"placement":"bottom"}'

Also note that camelCase options can be writen using _ (refer to previous example).


Note that some configuration options have a type set to something*, this * indicates that this option can either take a value or a function of the format (instance) => expected type.

Flyter instance configuration

keytypedescriptiondefault value
themesobjectIf you want to configure your themes, explained in the theme section{}
triggerstringFlyter instance trigger, can be either click, hover or none'click'
triggerOnTargetboolean*Wether the trigger will be attached to the given target element, or on the appended custom flyter element. By default trigger listener is attached to custom flyter elementfalse
emptyValueany*the empty value, which indicates to flyter that this instance has no value yetnull
submitOnEnterboolean*If true, will submit the current edition session if the user hits enter. Pay attention if, for example, type is a textarea, it can submit when not expectedfalse
initialValueany*The instance's initialization valuenull
emptyValueDisplaystring*What should be displayed when the instance has no value'Empty'