This example demonstrates how you can build a custom type using the air datepicker library.
import flyter, { FlyterType } from "flyter";
import AirDatepicker, { AirDatepickerOptions } from "air-datepicker";
import "air-datepicker/air-datepicker.css";
* Notice that we can type FlyterType with our type's configuration.
* Here we'll pass the AirDatepicker config so that when using the DatepickerType
* you can configure the underlying AirDatepicker instance directly
export default class DatepickerType extends FlyterType<AirDatepickerOptions> {
private element: HTMLInputElement;
private instance: AirDatepicker | undefined;
init() {
// We build an input on init which will be used to manage the value
// while the instance is displayed
this.element = new DOMParser().parseFromString(
'<input type="date" style="display:none" />',
).body as HTMLInputElement;
show(container: HTMLElement, value: any) {
// On show, display the input field
// And attach a new AirDatepicker instance to it
// Note that the field is hidden and we add the datepicker
// in inline mode to have it always displayed, Flyter takes
// care of showing or hiding it
this.instance = new AirDatepicker(this.element, {
inline: true,
selectedDates: [value],
// Pass the airDatepicker config provided when using the
// type if any
getCurrentValue() {
return this.instance?.selectedDates[0] || null;
getReadableValue(val: any): string | Promise<string> {
if (!val) return "";
return val.toLocaleDateString();
disable(status: boolean) {
this.element.disabled = status;
onDestroy() {
{ /* We dont have any default config to pass to AirDatepicker here */ },
flyter.attach("#datepicker", {
initialValue: new Date(),
type: {
name: "datepicker",
config: {
// Pass some additional config to AirDatepicker here
// See
renderer: {
name: "popup",
onSubmit(value) {