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Usage with AlpineJS

AlpineJS is a simple but efficient framework for quick prototyping or building lightweight dynamic interfaces without any build step. This is a simple example of building a custom directive to use Flyter.


    <script src="//"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
          { expression, modifiers },
          { effect, cleanup, evaluateLater, evaluate }
        ) => {
          const getValue = evaluateLater(expression);
          const instance = flyter.attach(el, {
            initialValue: evaluate(expression),
            onSubmit: (value) => {
              // Little trick to set back the value in the data object
              // Alpine does not expose any way of setting it like an `evaluateSetter`
              // So we evaluate a custom expression, here evaluate is in the context
              // of the element the directive is attached to.
              // See the x-model directive for a more in-depth understanding of it
              evaluate(`${expression} = __placeholder`, {
                scope: { __placeholder: value },

          effect(() => {
            // Update the value of the flyter instance when the value of the expression changes
            getValue((value) => {

          cleanup(() => {

    <div x-data="{ message: 'Hello' }">
      <p x-flyter="message"></p>
      <p>Your message is: <span x-text="message"></span></p>
      <!-- Try to update the value from here and see how it gets
       updated in the Flyter instance too -->
      <input type="text" x-model="message" />