Creating your own type
You can easily create custom types by creating a class which extends FlyterType
import flyter, { FlyterType } from 'flyter';
type MyTypeConfig = {
name: string;
class MyType extends FlyterType<MyTypeConfig> {
async init() {
// Here you can initialize your type, for example plugins and stuff as well as your markup
// You also have access to the edition session (see below for API)
async show(container: HTMLElement, value: any) {
// Here you have to append your markup to the given container using appendChild for example,
// And initialize your input with the given value
getCurrentValue() {
// This method must return your input's current value
getReadableValue(val: any) {
// This method must format the given val to a string which will be displayed
disable(status: boolean) {
// Here you must visually reflect the disabled status provided, for example setting `disable="true"` on your <input>
async onDestroy() {
// Here you can remove all side effects, listeners and so on...
flyter.registerType('myType', MyType, {
name: 'me',
flyter.attach('div', {
type: {
name: 'myType',
config: {
name: 'Me myself & I'