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Creating an Instance

Flyter can be attached to any DOM element either dynamically with Javascript or using custom HTML tags.

Javascript Configuration

Simply pass a configuration object to the instance created through attach.

flyter.attach('#ex-doc', {
  initialValue: ['1'],
  emptyValueDisplay: "I'm not feeling anything today",
  type: {
    name: 'checkbox',
    config: {
      dataSource: [
        { label: '😊', value: '1' },
        { label: '❤️', value: '2' },
        { label: '🔥', value: '3' },
        { label: '🍺', value: '4' },
  valueFormatter: async (val, instance) => {
    // Here we ask the current instance to build the value which
    // would have been displayed if we didn't overload valueFormatter.
    // It uses the type to build a readable value, uses the one from
    // the current editing session if any or builds one on the fly otherwise
    const readableValue = await instance.buildStandardReadableValue(val);
    return `Today I'm feeling ${readableValue}`;

Using HTML attributes based configuration

You can use HTML tags to configure a Flyter instance. Note that you will still need to call .attach() on the element through Javascript. Any configuration value defined in Javascript will override any HTML configuration set on the element.

Read more at [/config/configuration] the configuration page.

<div class="flyter-attr" data-fcnf-initial_value="Edit me">Edit me</div>

<div class="flyter-attr"
  data-fcnf-initial_value="Edit me too!"
  data-fcnf-renderer-config-popper_config:json='{"placement":"bottom"}'>Edit me</div>